About Us

Who We are
I believe in the Constitution of the United States of America, as a volitional patriotic proud “new” American citizen, I recognize the importance of the ideals our Founding Fathers set forth, the Second Amendment which is unique to our country.
I was born and raised in Tuscany, Italy, where I proudly served in the Paratroopers “Folgore” Brigade – Italian Army; during which I was first exposed to firearms and the complexity of training it entails.
In the year 2000, I legally migrated to this wonderful country and I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to grow my firearms training skills and become a certified instructor. My mission is to train law abiding citizens in the safe use of firearms, assisting them step by step to develop their confidence, marksmanship and self defense skillset by improving their shooting proficiency.
Whether your goal is either recreational shooting with some friends and family or to protect the people you love, I’m here to assist you in a safe, fun and friendly oriented environment. At American Freedom 1787, we don’t judge, we grow together.
I offer a variety of personalized one-on-one classes that cover the basics such as handgun safety and intro to firearms to the most advanced training.
Let’s keep this country America and enjoy our freedom!
Gianluca Pizzo
A Proud “new” American Citizen and Certified Firearms Instructor.
Our Mission
Educate and train law abiding citizens and legal residents for the safe use of firearms, to respect, preserve and protect the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution of the United States of America.